한국 의류산업의 국제경쟁력 위상 변화와 수출 특성 연구

International Competitiveness and Export Features for Korea's Clothing Industry

  • Baek, Young-Ha (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Ok (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


During 40 years, clothing industry which took a charge of a pivotal role to lead Korea's economy development falls in a harsh state to maintain an international competitiveness by means of low wage-based-export and tech-deficit-past competitive advantage. From January first 2005 when the World Trade Organization started that developed countries abolished import quota on textile and apparel products. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze Korea's apparel international market share, grasp Korea's apparel international competitiveness position, and examine the export features to enhance international competitiveness. We targeted members of Korea Apparel Industry Association among the 500's exporters of textile and clothing items in 'The Import and Export Textile Product 2003' Total 70 sheets were used of final data analyzing. Also, the statistical data of WTO wereselected for inquiry about the position of international competitiveness of clothing products made in Korea. First, the comparative analysis of the amount of export and international market share of each country's clothing products to capture the position of Korea's international competitiveness of clothing industry under the statistical data of WTO showed that Korea's international market share has been decreasing since 1989, and ranked in the 19th showing 1.31% in 2004. Second, as concerned with Korea's clothing export features, the experience of clothing companies in Korea was uniformly distributed like less than 10 to 30 and more than 30 years and knitted and woven male and female wears which cost mid price were exported to U.S.A. and Europe and Japan. Export items wereusually manufactured by Original Equipment Manufacturing way and directly exported through an exclusive responsible part for export.



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