익명통신의 개요 및 연구동향

  • 박민호 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
  • 서승우 (서울대학교 전기.컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


본 고에서는 80년대 초부터 시작된 익명통신의 개요와 연구 동향에 대해서 소개한다. 그리고 최근에 이슈가 되고 있는 데이터 연결 계층에서의 익명성 보장 기법에 대해서 살펴본다.



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  2. Michael K. Reiter and Aviel D. Rubin, "Crowds: Anonymity for web transactions," ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), vol, 1, no. 1, pp. 66-92, 1998 https://doi.org/10.1145/290163.290168
  3. Frederik Armknecht, Joao Girao, Alfredo Matos, and Rui L. Aguiar., "who said that? privacy at link layer," In 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007. INFOCOM 2007. Minisymposium
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  5. Azzedine Boukerche, Khalil EI-Khatib, Li Xu and Larry Korba, "SDAR: A Secure Distributed Anonymous Routing Protocol for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN04)
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  7. O. Berthold, H. Federrath, and M. Kohntopp, "Project Anonymity and Unobservability in the Internet," In Computers Freedom and Privacy Conference 2000 (CFP 2000), Workshop on Freedom and Privacy by Design, 2000
  8. D. Kesdogan, J. Egner, and R. Buschkes, "Stop-and-go MIXes Providing Probabilistic Security in an Open System," Second International Workshop on Information Hiding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1525, pages 83-98,1998
  9. S. Basagni, K. Herrin, E. Rosti, and D. Bruschi. "Secure Pebblenets," In MobiHoc, pages 156.163, 2001