Growth Performance and Adaptability of Three-year-old Poplar and Willow Clones in a Riparian Area

하천연변에서 3년생 포플러 및 버드나무 클론의 생육특성 및 적응능력

  • Yeo, Jin-Kie (Dept. of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Woo, Kwan-Soo (Dept. of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Koo, Yeong-Bon (Dept. of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Yeong-Sik (Dept. of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute)
  • 여진기 (국립산림과학원 산림유전자원부) ;
  • 우관수 (국립산림과학원 산림유전자원부) ;
  • 구영본 (국립산림과학원 산림유전자원부) ;
  • 김영식 (국립산림과학원 산림유전자원부)
  • Received : 2007.06.08
  • Accepted : 2007.09.14
  • Published : 2007.10.30


One-year-old rooted cuttings of ten poplar clones and one willow clone were planted in a riparian area in Osan. Survival rate, growth performance, biomass, vitality, defoliation, leaf damages by diseases and/or insects and stem borer damage of the poplar and willow clones have been investigated for three growing seasons. Average survival rate of all eleven clones was declined from 80.7% for the first year to 60.7% for the third year. At three years after planting, poplar clones Dorskamp, ST-148 and Eco-28 showed the best survival rate of 80%. For height and DBH growth, the poplar clone Ay-48 and the willow clone 131-25 were the highest 8.3m and 9.5cm, respectively. However, poplar clones 72-30 and 72-31 were lower than those of the other clones. Clones Ay-48 and 131-25 seemed to have strong vitality when compare to the other clones. No serious damages by diseases and insects were found in most clones. Clones Ay-48 and ST-148 were the most tolerant to various diseases and insects. Clone Ay-48 produced the largest biomass for individual and annual total biomass, 22.5kg and 18.7ton $ha^{-1}$, respectively. Clone Dorskamp showed the best adaptability, which was estimated with survival rate, biomass and damages by various diseases and insects in the riparian area and followed by clones Ay-48, 97-19 and Eco-28. As a consequence, the four clones seemed to be the best candidate poplar clones for the establishment of riparian woody buffer.
