초등학교 학생들의 발달단계에 따른 던지기 동작의 운동역학적 분석

The Biomechanical Analysis of Throwing Motion for the Elementary Students - Developmental Approach -

  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of throwing motion in the elementary school students from the developmental point of view. For the purpose of this, total of nine subjects(each of three students in five, third, and first grades) were participated. They were asked to throw the ball as far as they can and the motions were videotaped with the 30frames/sec and 1/500 shutter speed. The successful motions for each subject were selected for three dimensional analysis. The collected data were analyzed using DV express 1.0 and Kwon3D 3.0 softwares. The results obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Total time for the throwing motion of the first grade was longer than that of the fifth and third grades. 2. The resultant displacement and velocity of COM for the fifth and third grades were greater than that of the frist grade. 3. The first grade tended to flex the trunk forward excessively during the throwing motion. 4. The fifth grade tended to place the upper arm close to the sagital plane and move the forearm and hand freely. 5. Looking at the greater variability of the angular velocity of the hand segment, the fifth grade seemed to have faster and more flexible movement of the wrist. 6. There were somewhat differences in the patterns and magnitudes of ground reaction forces among the different grades.



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