오래 달리기 시 하지 근지구력에 따른 몸통의 3차원 각 변화

Three Dimension Angle Change of the Trunk to the Muscular Endurance during a Prolonged Running

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the muscular endurance on the kinematic factors during a prolonged run. Subjects, 12 males, who were divided into three groups(lower group, general group, and in higher group) after measuring the lower limb's muscular endurance previously. They were asked toe run on the treadmill at 7.4km/h of speed. To analyze the kinematics parameters of the trunk during running, the ProReflex MCU Camera(Qualisys, Sweden) were used. All parameters were sampled from 5 minute, 40 minute, and 60 minute moments during running. An ANOVA with Repeated Measure was used to test the statistic significance between and within groups for all parameters determined with SPSS 11.0. Significance was defined as p<.05. The conclusions were as follows; There was significantly difference within(lapse of running time) groups in the take-off and minimum knee angle event of swing phase of the trunk flexion and extension. In conclusion, the muscular endurance affected on movement of the trunk during a prolonged run. In addition, it showed that there was significant difference in the energy consumption by lapse of running time. Therefore, it seems to be relationships between the muscular endurance and running efficiency.



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