수영 출발동작의 지면반력 차이 비교 II

A Comparison of Ground Reaction Force of High School Swimmers in Accordance with Starting Motions

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of ground reaction forces of swimming athletes during their starting motion and to find out the most effective starting motions which were used in swimming athletes. The subjects were 9 male and 8 female high school swimming athletes who were athletic career over 7 years and used three starting motions in competition. The ground reaction forces were measured from each athletes performing three starting motion each of the open grap starting motion, closed grap starting motion and track starting motion. For the measurement, the force platform of AMTI company was utilized, and the analysis on measured ground reaction forces were used of Biosoft(Ver. 1.0). The items measured were stance time, Fz max deceleration force and Fz max deceleration force time, Fz mid stance force and Fz mid stance force time, Fz max acceleration force and Fz max acceleration force time, Torque maximum and Torque maximum time, Torque average, Excursion along Y axis of center of pressure of foot, Excursion along X axis of center of pressure of foot, Length of center of pressure of foot, Average velocity of center of pressure of foot. The data measured by the closed grap starting motion, open grap starting motion and track starting motion were analyzed by one-way repeated ANOVA. The results were as follows ; 1. The Fz max deceleration force time, Fz mid stance force, Fz max acceleration force, Torque maximum and Torque maximum time, Excursion along Y axis of center of pressure of foot, Average velocity of center of pressure of foot were significantly fast and large in the closed grap starting motion then open grap starting motion and track starting motion. 2. The Excursion along Y axis of center of pressure of foot was significantly long in the closed grap starting motion then open grap starting motion and track starting motion.



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