생태계 모델링을 이용한 진해만의 자생 COD 평가

Ecological Modeling for Estimation of Autochthonous COD in Jinhae Bay

  • 홍석진 (국립수산과학원 환경연구팀) ;
  • 이원찬 (국립수산과학원 환경연구팀) ;
  • 박종수 (국립수산과학원 환경연구팀) ;
  • 오현택 (국립수산과학원 환경연구팀) ;
  • 윤상필 (국립수산과학원 환경연구팀) ;
  • 김형철 (국립수산과학원 서해수산연구소) ;
  • 김동명 (부경대학교 생태공학과)
  • Hong, Sok-Jin (Environmental Research Team, National Fisheries R & D Institute) ;
  • Lee, Won-Chan (Environmental Research Team, National Fisheries R & D Institute) ;
  • Park, Jong-Soo (Environmental Research Team, National Fisheries R & D Institute) ;
  • Oh, Hyun-Taik (Environmental Research Team, National Fisheries R & D Institute) ;
  • Yoon, Sang-Pil (Environmental Research Team, National Fisheries R & D Institute) ;
  • Kim, Hyung-Chul (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Myung (Division of Environmental System, Pukyung National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


The three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic model was applied to estimate the autochthonous COD caused by production of phytoplankton in Jinhae Bay. A residual current was simulated, using a hydrodynamic model, to have a sightly complicated pattern in the inner part of the bay, ranging from 0.001 to 5 cm/s. In the outer part of the bay, the simulated current flowed out to the south sea with a southward flow at a maximum of 25 cm/s. The results of the ecological model simulation of COD levels showed high concentrations, exceeding 4 mg/L, in the inner bay of Masan, an area of wastewater discharge, and lower levels, approaching less than 1 mg/L, closer to the outer part of the bay. The simulation results of Autochthonous COD by two methods using ecological modeling, showed high ratio over 70% of total COD. Therefore, it is more important to consider nutrients than organic matters in the region for control COD standard.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Modeling for Pollution Contribution Rate of Land based Load in Masan Bay vol.22, pp.1, 2016,