2D 영상의 효과적인 부분 정합 시스템과 영역기반 영상 표현

An Efficient Partial Matching System and Region-based Representation for 2D Images

  • 김선종 (부산대학교 바이오시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.01


This paper proposes an efficient partial matching system and representation by using a region-based method for 2D image, and we applied to an extraction of the ROI(Region of Interest) according to its matching score. The matching templates consist of the global pattern and the local one. The global pattern can make it by using region-based relation between center region and its rest regions in an object. And, the local pattern can be obtained appling to the same method as global, except relation between objects. As the templates can be normalized, we use this templates for extraction of ROI with invariant to size and position. And, our system operates only one try to match, due to normalizing of region size. To use our system for searching and examining if it's the ROI by evaluating the matching function, at first, we are searching to find candidate regions with the global template. Then, we try to find the ROI among the candidates, and it works this time by using the local template. We experimented to the binary and the color image respectively, they showed that the proposed system can be used efficiently for representing of the template and the useful applications, such as partially retrievals of 2D image.



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