Pseudocercospora cymbidiicola에 의한 심비디움 검은잎마름병

Sooty Leaf Blight of Cymbidium spp. Caused by Pseudocercospora cymbidiicola

  • Han, Kyung-Sook (Horticultural Environment Division, National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Park, Jong-Han (Horticultural Environment Division, National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Sup (Horticultural Environment Division, National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Cheong, Seung-Ryong (Horticultural Environment Division, National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.01


[ $2005{\sim}2006$ ]년 경기도 안성시와 화성시의 심비디움 재배 농가로부터 잎 뒷면에 검은색 구름덩이 모양의 병반을 형성하고, 잎의 앞면에는 원형 내지 타원형의 황색병반을 나타내는 병징이 관찰되었다. 병징이 진전되어 병반이 합쳐지면서 잎 전체가 황색의 원형 병반을 이루고, 잎 뒷면에서도 검은색 구름덩이가 합쳐져 그을음모양(sooty spot)을 나타낸다. 병징이 오래되면 잎 조직은 기능이 저하되어 결국은 암갈색 내지 검은색으로 변하며 잎이 마르게 된다. 본 연구에서는 심비디움에 발생한 검은잎마름병의 병징을 관찰하고, 병반에서 분리한 병원균의 균학적 특징을 조사한 결과 Pseudocercospora cymbidiicola로 동정되었으며 병원성 검정 결과 자연상태와 동일한 병징을 확인할 수 있었으므로 이 병을 Pseudocercospora cymbidiicola에 의한 심비디움검은잎마름병으로 명명할 것을 제안한다.

Sooty leaf blight disease of Cymbium spp. was observed on orchid fields located at Gyeonggi-do in 2005-2006. Symptoms of the disease appeared on leaves and leaf spots were circular to nearly-circular, these circular blemished were yellow, with greater amounts of brown to black flecks forming as the spots enlarge. Severely infected leaves were dry and defoliated. These symptoms were realized wrongly as symptoms by virus. But Pseudocercospora cymbidiicola were isolated from the diseased plants. Conidiophores were produced on the lesion surface of the leaf with the blemished areas andconidia formed dark brown, cylindrical and straight to slightly curved, 5-9 septate, $23.7-85.0\;{\times}\;2.0-3.4\;{\mu}m$. Mycelial growth was mostly slow on potato dextrose agar and the optimum temperature for growth was $25^{\circ}C$. We were identified as Pseudocercoepora cymbidiicola based on the morphological characteristics.



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