온라인 의류 점포 유형에 따른 점포속성 만족도

The Satisfaction of Store Characteristics Depending on On-Line Store Type

  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


This study investigates the differences between the satisfaction factors of store characteristics depending on on-line clothing store type and its satisfaction index. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 software with various techniques such as paired t-test, T-test, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ reliability and factor analysis that use principal component analysis and Varimax orthogonal rotation were used. The results are summarized as follows: 1. By categorizing the level of on-line store characteristics satisfaction depending on its type, clarifies the differences between its satisfaction. The satisfaction rank of general merchandise store was as followed: searching and approaching system, buying process service, screen-displayed design, product, store credit. On the other hand, the satisfaction rank of general store was as followed: screen-displayed design, store credit, buying process service. 2. By analyzing the difference of satisfaction depending on the store type, it was found that general merchandise store was more satisfied with screen-displayed design, approaching and searching, whole payment process, the safety of payment and shipping service, security service when compared to specialty store. It was also found that specialty store was more satisfied with the variety of product, update of rare items, quality and price of product. 3. By analyzing the difference between the type of on-line clothing store satisfaction depending on age, in the case of general merchandise store, the result showed that people in their thirties were more satisfied with buying process service, store credit, customer management system when compared to twenties. In the case of specialty store, the result showed that people in their twenties were more satisfied with customer management service when compared to thirties, and when it came to buying process service, it was vice versa.



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