홍유릉(洪裕陵) 일원의 입지와 공간구성특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Location and Spatial Organization Characteristics of the Royal Tombs Hongneung and Yureung

  • 김흥년 (문화재청 문화유산국) ;
  • 심우경 (고려대학교 조경학연구실) ;
  • 최종희 (배재대학교 생명환경디자인학부)
  • Kim, Heung-Nyeon (Tangible Cultural Heritage Bureau, Cultural Heritage Administration) ;
  • Sim, Woo-Kyung (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Korea University) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Hee (Division of Environmental Design and Urban Horticultural Science, Paichai University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


This paper aims to discussion the characteristics of location and spatial organization on Hongneung and Yureung(royal tomb) in Namyangju through the interpretation of traditional oriental philosophy including Feng-Shui theory. To do this, we studied in two ways; analysis of the present conditions and photographing research materials about the form of physical structure and review of historical document. The result of analysis in sight of the location and spatial structure was good matched. Main finding of this paper are as follows: The location and landscape structure was characterized by the harmony with natural following traditional thinking and the Korean view of nature, while maintaining the dignity of the King. The spatial organization were placed in a straight line following the hierarchy of metaphysics by order of Neungchim(Tombs Vicinity) - Changmyungdeung(Stone Lantern) - Chungjakak(Pavilion) - Hongsalmun(Gate for Heavenly Gods) and was based on the Confucianism value, the natural contour and inner value. Through this study, we find the principles made it possibles to re-evaluate nature in modem society and provided us with new ways to conserve nature with the help of environmental theory.



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