조망경관의 맥락으로 본 망해사와 진봉산의 장소성

The Sense of Place of Manghae-temple and Mt. Jinbong through Viewing Context

  • 노재현 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 신상섭 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과)
  • Rho, Jae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Shin, Sang-Sup (Dept. of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Woosuk University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


This study focused on the one and only temple of on the coastline of the West Sea, Kimje's Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong. The purpose of this study was to research the unique sense of place of the area by researching the location and view that clearly shapes the identity of the landscape. The following are the results. 1. The cultural landscape of Manghae Temple and the natural landscape of Mt. Jinbong have characteristics which take in the coastline and skyline, respectively. Specifically, from the existential vertical-horizontal images of "sky - land - Mt. Jinbong" and "moon - cloud - sea", an ascending reflection of the landscape surroundings can be found. 2. The "Sea - Manghae temple - Mt. Jinbong - sky" is the representation of the moderate 'inside-space' which belongs to the particular landscape area and which also shows the topophilia to Manghae Temple. Through this kind of interpretation, the sense of place of Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong reveals an intra-structure of an Imaging Landscape implying harmony and moderation, which is a unified organization of the surrounding phenomena(Temple and Mountain) and the essence (the doctrine of Buddhism) that matches Jin-muk's asceticism and lifestyle. 3. While the cultural landscape of Manghae Temple has a strong religious reference, the natural landscape Mt. Jinbong emphasizes the geography of the landscape. In other words, the motivating factor of Manghae Temple is a metaphorical sense of place such as through the "prospect of the sea" or "the Western Sea Paradise" and Mt. Jinbong, the landmark of the Kimje-Mankyung Plains and the focal point of the West Sea sunset, is highlighted as a simile for this sense of place. 4. Keeping this sense of place and territory respectively and showing the. bond with the sense of place which develops rhythmically and continuously, Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong are sublimated into a unified intra-structure, which reflects the Imaging landscape characteristics of "Mt. Jinbong, a focal point of the Mankyung Plains facing the West Sea" and "Manghae Temple, looking out to sea".



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