골프장 이용의 만족도 결정요인 - 회원제와 대중 골프장의 비교 -

A Comparative Analysis of Determinant Factors for the Level of Satisfactions Regarding Membership and Public Golf Courses

  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


Golf has emerged as one of the key leisure activities in Korea. This study examines the characteristics of golf consumption typology. A total of 256 questionnaires were collected from membership and public golf courses in the Incheon and Gyeonggi district. This study explores user satisfaction with and service at the golf course. The results of this research show that there are primary factors in user satisfaction regarding course facility, scores and operational services. Detail responses regarding these golf courses prove that the whole of the golf course, satisfaction with the course layout, landscaping and user gratification with the golf facilities are influenced by contentment with the management of the golf course. Satisfaction with scores were correlated with user contentment with the golf course. Detailed factors regarding operational services cited such aspects as ease of reservations, staff and tee time, all factors related to the smooth arrangements and progress that are influenced by operational services. This research was more concerned with course design and facility operations than marketing operations, which can satisfy users through investment in variety and expansion of the course facilities. Satisfaction in these areas is correlated to revisits and recommendations to others. The types of membership and public golf courses face difficulty in development, operation, and facilities maintenance, among other features. This paper will help separate out each quality in order to formulate difference stratagems for marketing and operation tactics in the future.



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