내륙지방 전통담장의 가치평가 및 보전 방안

Estimation Economic Value of Multi-Functionality and Preservation Program of Traditional Stone Fences in Korea

  • 이상영 (농촌진흥청 농촌자원개발연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The purpose of this paper is to estimate the economic value of Multi-functionality Roles including landscape and so on, which traditional stone fences in Korea possess, using Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Method (DC-CVM). The stone fences is life cultural heritance of regional residents. It has functions like Development of Favorable Landscapes, Maintenance of Cultural Heritage, and Recreation/Relaxation. Expectation from regional visitors shows that the existence and inheritance value of the stone wall is higher then we expected. According to the research that we had done from the people that had agreed to contribute the stone wall. moreover the public commercial value of regional tradition stone was not only 2,900 billion won but also it will increase an economic gain in every year. Therefore, preserving the stone wall that has Multi-functional Roles and values can lead to huge economic value in the future. But farmhouses in the stone wall conservation area are being supported 9 billion won in every year. This is only 0.03% of the income that farmhouse earns per year. Thus, stone wall preservation policy and plan can raise green-tour commercial value of inland area as a long-term inside measurement. Those will have to be propelled continuously.



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