Implications and Situations of Hansalim's Green Marketing for Environmentally Friendly Agri-Products

한살림의 친환경농산물 그린마케팅 추진실태와 시사점

  • Published : 2007.03.30


Hansalim is a cooperative organization dealing with environmental-friendly/organic products(EFOP), which is pursuing both movement and business. Hansalim consists of producer's organizations and consumer's organizations, and always talks over organization structures and management directions all together. Hansalim has the movement goal of values and a world view for all lives, and so produces, distributes and consumes the EFOP as a way of achieving the goal. Hansalim was founded in 1986, and has about 130,000 members, the total sales of about 93.6 billions, 19 regional hansalims and one logistics center in 2006. Product strategy and promotion strategy are remarkable among green marketing mix of hansalim. Product strategy focuses safety, the environmental intimacy, differentiation and superiority of products. And the characteristics of promotion strategy are spontaneity, the self-control, cooperative spirit, mutual trust and close relationship among producers, consumers and staffs in charge.
