A Study on the Ecologic Design for Urban Collective Dewelling

생태학적 개념을 적용한 도심형 공동주택 공간디자인 연구

  • 견진현 (동서대학교 건축.토목시스템공학부)
  • Published : 2007.04.25


The past concept of constructing houses was focused on how to overcome the limitation of consuming natural resources such as energy and materials, which increased the official cost and the environmental pollution. On the other hand, the echo-friendly concept has considered the harmony between human being and nature more critically and has applied the characteristics of natural environment into a unique dwelling design by developing constructs and materials adjusted to the particular climate, making them into a unit of impacting positively the complicated system. The current environmental issue is how a dwelling adapts into a given climate in which the design is applied by ecology without damaging the natural environment. In another word, the main issue in the twenty first century will be how we meet the human needs to dwellings applied by the residential environment. Therefore, we have to provide a hospitable place for residents' mental and physical health through "Green Design", emerging as the critical design of urban collective dwellings. Based on these conceptions, the purpose of this study is to suggest the way of designing the urban collective dwelling applied by ecology, proffering wealthy life style to residents with the preservation of natural environment as applying an ecological concept into the design of collective dwellings that represent a contemporary housing type for urban residents.



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