Factors Associated with Stress of Employees

직장인들의 스트레스 정도와 관련요인

  • Published : 2007.03.30


Objective: To find the relevant stress factors of male and female employees. Method: The survey was collected from April 7th to May 10th in 2006 by formalized questionnaires targeted on male and female employees. The research used both quota sampling and accidental sampling to collect the data. Results: 1) It was found that relevant factors are related with ages in general traits for male employees and associated with ages, marital status and education level in general traits for female employees. In other words, age is the primary factor for both male and female employees at age 20s, and as the marital status is single and the education level is lower, the stress level is higher for female employees. 2) Occupation is the main relevant stress factor for male employees in employment traits and the period of employment, working hour and wages are relevant stress factors to the level of stress for female employees. That is to say, manufacture related job shows higher level of stress than other jobs for both male and female employees. As period of employment and working hour is shorter and wages are less, it appears to be high stress level for female employees. 3) It presents that stress level is decided based on if he exercises regularly or keeps regular hours for male employees in lifestyle aspect and it also shows drinking is an additional relevant stress factor to conclude the level of stress for female employees. So to speak, as the regular exercise is performed and regular hours are kept, it comes out low level of stress for both. In addition, it shows lower stress level from the group of female employees who do not drink than the other. Conclusion: The research is summarized that no matter what gender you are, both male and female employees should try to have a positive lifestyle. Specially, the research concludes that the regular exercise is the best way to get rid of stress.



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