UsN 기반의 송전철탑 건전성 감시진단시스템 기본설계

UsN based Soundness Monitoring Diagnosis System of Power Transmission Steel Tower

  • 이동철 (한전kdn(주) 송변전 IT사업팀) ;
  • 배을록 (연세대 공대 전파통신공학과) ;
  • 김우정 (경북대 공대 전자공학과) ;
  • 민병운 (현대중공업㈜ 기계전기연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


In this paper, design method for power tower hazard diagnosis/predition system based on UsN was proposed. The proposed method used multi-hybrid sensors to measure rotation, displacement, and inclination state of power tower, and made decision/prediction of hazard of power tower. System design was made with requirement analysis of monitoring for transmission power facility and use of MEMS and optic fiber sensors. For hazard decision, analysis of correlation was made using sensor output. LN based on IEC61850,international standard for digital substation, was also proposed. For transmission facility monitoring, digital substation and power tower were considered as parts of power facility networks.



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