A Study on the Development of Skateboard by TRIZ

트리즈를 이용한 스케이트보드의 개발

  • 유병철 (국민대학교 자동차공학전문대학원) ;
  • 이건상 (국민대학교 기계자동차공학부) ;
  • 최준호 (덕창기계(주))
  • Published : 2007.06.30


This paper represents a study on the development of the conceptual design for a skateboard by TRIZ. At first the problems of a commercial skateboard were analyzed. And its development objective was defined in connection with the theory of the system improvement trend. The developed conceptual design was compared with a commercial skateboard. The skateboard riding action analysis with a motion capture equipment shows the developed skateboard more efficient than the commercial one.



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