선망어업의 생산성 향상에 관한 연구-III - 죔줄 체결시 파워불록과 트리플랙스용 선망 모형의 유속에 따른 운동특성 -

Studies on the improvement of the productivity of purse seine fishery-III - The characteristics on the motion with the flow velocity of model purse seine of the subjective power block and triplex during pursing -

  • 김석종 (제주대학교 해양과학부)
  • Kim, Suk-Jong (Faculty of Ocean Science, Cheju National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


This fundamental studies on for the productivity improvement and laborsaving of purse seine fishery. Given the difficulty posed from the distortion of net shape caused by the external forces, such as tide, at the time of shooting and pursing, we set the 4 steps of 0, 2, 4 and 6cm/sec in flow velocity in the flume tank for the experiment in order to examine those characteristics. We used two model seines designed on the scale of 1 to 180 based on the power block seine, which is the mackerel purse seine generally used in the near sea of Jeju Island and triplex seine, which is the mackerel purse seine of one boat system fishing expected in the future, for the experiment, and interpreted the characteristics of several motion in water, such as the shape of seine, the change in tension and area during pursing and its the analysis results are as follows. Though the experiment could be conducted up to 6cm/sec of flow velocity that was defined, the experiment could not go on because of the severe distortion in the seine at the flow velocity in excess of 6cm/sec. As for the depth of leadline and reduction rate of side area of seine when the pursing is connected, P seine turned out to be slightly higher than T seine, and the hauling speed and reduction rate of upper area of seine were found similar to each other. The correlation between the hauling time (Ht) and depth of lead line (Dhp, Dht) of P seine and T seine can be expressed by the equation, that is, Dhp=(0.99Pt-7.63)Pt+69.01, Dht=(1.03Pt-7.73)Pt+66.74. The correlation between the hauling time and hauling velocity (Hpp, Hpt) can be expressed by the equation, that is, $Hpp=-0.06Ht^2+0.88Ht+0.78,\;Hpt=-0.05Ht^2+0.81Ht+0.98$ here, Pt is pursing time. And the correlation between the pursing time and the reduction rate of side area (sArp, sArt) can be expressed by the equation, that is, $sArp=-0.48Pt^2+14.79Pt-16.74,\;sArt=-0.45Pt^2+14.56Pt-16.48$. The reduction rate of upper area of seine (tArp, tArt) can be expressed by the equation, that is, $tArp=0.34Pt^2-0.66Pt-0.74,\;tArt=0.34Pt^2-0.27Pt-1.80$. In addition, the correlation between the pursing time and tension of purse line (Tep, Tet) can be expressed by the equation, that is, $Tep=2.79Pt^2+2.26Pt-0.60,\;Tet=2.14Pt^2+8.08Pt-27.50$.



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