• Lee, C.H. (Environmental Parts R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute) ;
  • Oh, K.C. (Environmental Parts R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute) ;
  • Lee, C.B. (Environmental Parts R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute) ;
  • Kim, D.J. (Environmental Parts R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute) ;
  • Jo, J.D. (HYUNDAI MOBIS) ;
  • Cho, T.D. (Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


The number of vehicles employing diesel engines is rapidly rising. Accompanying this trend, application of an after-treatment system is strictly required as a result of reinforced exhaust regulations. The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system is considered as the most efficient method to reduce particulate matter (PM), but the improvement of a regeneration performance at any engine operation point presents a considerable challenge by itself. Therefore, the present study evaluates the effect of fuel injection characteristics on regeneration performance in a DOC and a catalyzed CR-DPF system. The temperature distribution on the rear surface of the DOC and the exhaust gas emission were analyzed in accordance with fuel injection strategies and engine operating conditions. A temperature increase more than BPT of DPF system was obtained with a small amount fuel injection although the exhaust gas temperature was low and flow rate was high. This increase of temperature at the DPF inlet cause PM to oxidize completely by oxygen. In the case of multi-step injection, the abrupt temperature changes of DOC inlet didn't occur and THC slip also could not be observed. However, in the case of pulse type injection, the abrupt injection of much fuel results in the decrease of DOC inlet temperatures and the instantaneous slip of THC was observed.



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