비이온계 계면활성제 첨가수에 대한 관내 유동저항 감소 및 열전달 촉진에 관한 연구

A Study on the Drag Reduction Effect and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Non ionized Surfactant and Water Mixture in a Circular Pipe Flow

  • 김명준 (군산대학교 동력기계시스템공학)
  • 발행 : 2007.07.31


This paper has dealt with the effect of non ionized surfactant and water mixture on drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement in a circular pipe flow with experimentally. The test section was consisted of stainless steel pipe with inside diameter of 16mm. The wire coil was used to increase heat transfer in a pipe and the on ionized surfactant(Oleyl Dihydroxyethyl Amino Oxide, ODEAO) was used to reduce the drag force of water mixture with surfactant. The main parameters of this experiment were diameter and pitch of wire coil and the ratio of test section length and horizontal wire coil length. In this experiment, the acquired results were 1) Drag reduction effect existed in this ODEAO-water mixture, 2) Friction factor and heat transfer were increased with insertion the heat transfer enhancement coil, 3) With increasing of pitch ratio, heat transfer was decreased, and 4) Heat transfer was decreased by the decreasing of inserting coil diameter.



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