An Evaluation of Shift-workers' Sleep and Social Life for the Hospital Workers

병원의 교대근무에 따른 수면과 사회생활 평가 : 대전, 충남지역을 대상으로

  • Published : 2007.06.30


This study is evaluation of shift-workers' sleep and social life related to hospital workers' performance and health. We researched shiftworkers' sleep, sleeping quality and social relations using a questionnaire method to shiftworkplace scattered Daejeon and Chungnam province. The results of shiftworkers' sleep are differ from habitual sleep. Social participations of shiftworkerse are interfered partially because of shiftwork. In preference, shiftworker preferred health to others because of physical load of shiftworks. Through result of this study about sleep and social life style, we hope to derive reduction methods of shift work fatigue and education for improvement of employers, for example an physiological and psychological accordance method, an health problem solving method and an social accordance method, etc.



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