공급사슬관계에서 중.소 자동차부품제조업체의 VMI시스템에 관한 웹서비스구현

A Case Study on Mobile Web-service Implementation for a VMI System of Small.medium sized the Auto-parts Manufacturer in Supply Chain

  • 나상균 (전북발전연구원 산업경제팀) ;
  • 오명현 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 정병호 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 이준수 (전북발전연구원 산업경제팀)
  • Na, Sang-Gyun (Division of Industrial. Economy, Jeonbuk Development Institute) ;
  • Oh, Myung-Hyun (Department of Industrial and Information System Engineering, Chonbuk University) ;
  • Jeong, Byung-Ho (Department of Industrial and Information System Engineering, Chonbuk University) ;
  • Lee, Jun-Su (Division of Industrial. Economy, Jeonbuk Development Institute)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


This study was concerned about mobile web-service of a VMI in the SCM system. The VMI would be a main module part of the SCM and regarded as very important thing on supply chain. Therefore, it was essential to react in real time of materials production and situation of used auto-part in procurement company. We could find an affordable method to realize the VMI in a web service. The web service has made inter relevant enterprise easy to collaborate because of supporting most operating system and frame-work. Moreover, the use of a mobile tools was guaranteed a product recording and requirement of materials to real time in a rapid changing of production environments. The result of this research was very useful to apply the VMI system in medium and small sized auto parts company. This web service package has programmed the Visual Studio Dot Net 2003 and the MS SQL 2000 as database.



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