A Study on a Symmetric Collared Jackets in Early Joseon Dynasty -Based on the Excavated Costumes of Seok-nam-dong, Incheon-

조선전기 여성용 대금형(對襟形) 상의류에 관한 연구 -인천 석남동 출토복식을 중심으로-

  • 송미경 (경기도박물관 학예연구팀)
  • Published : 2007.07.31


This study is about the three pieces of jackets with a symmetric collar that was used to fill in the empty spaces in coffin excavated in 2004, from Seok-nam-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon. The similarities of these three jackets are that the collars are symmetric, there are seops(the outer bodies to overlap the front sides of a jacket) with pleats, and openings on the side seam. The No.2, and No.6 seem to be jegori to wear over others, and the fabrics used for No.2 is damask with cloud pattern, and damask with lotus flower pattern. For the No.4, satin was used and there is peacock pattern weaved on satin using golden thread. No.41 is unlined clothes made with Suk-cho, and the distinctive feature about this clothes is that the collar, and the neckline are very narrow. The three jackets are similar with the recently reported clothes of Kim clan of Gang-leung (deducted to be buried in 1520), the collection of Seok Joo-sun Memorial Museum. Through this report, it provides information about some aspects of upper class women's clothes.



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