교차참조점에 기반한 정지영상의 워터마크 생성 및 유사성 삽입 기법

A Technique of Watermark Generation and Similarity Embedding for Still Images Based on Cross Reference Points

  • 이항찬 (한성대학교 멀티미디어 공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.01


The Cross Reference Point(CRP) is a robust method for finding salient points in watermarking systems because it is based on the geometrical structure of a normalized image in order to avoid pointing error caused by digital attacks. After normalization of an image, the 100 CRPs are calculated. Next, the 100 blocks centered by CRPS are formed. These 100 blocks are arranged using a secrete key. Each boundary of 50 out of 100 blocks is surrounded by 8 blocks which are selected by the ordered number of a preceding block. This number is a seed of random number generator for selecting 8 out of 50 blocks. The search area of a center block is formed by a secrete key. The pixels of a center block are quantized to 10 levels by predefined thresholds. The watermarks are generated by the 50 quantized center blocks. These watermarks are embedded directly in the remaining 50 blocks. In other words, 50 out of 100 blocks are utilized to generate watermarks and the remaining 50 blocks are used to watermark embedding. Because the watermarks are generated in the given images, we can successfully detect watermarks after several digital attacks. The reason is that the blocks for the generation and detection of watermarks are equally affected by digital attacks except for the case of local distortion such as cropping.



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