벤처창업연구 (Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship)
- 제2권1호
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- Pages.83-108
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- 2007
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- 1975-7557(pISSN)
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- 2671-9509(eISSN)
제대군인의 재취업 및 창업 활성화 방안에 대한 연구
Study of the Plan for Revitalizing Reemployment and Inauguration of Retired Military Person
- Lee, Jae-Hee (The Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Hoseo University) ;
- Ha, Kyu-Soo (The Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Hoseo University) ;
Kim, Hong
(The Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Hoseo University)
- 발행 : 2007.03.30
영관 및 위관급 제대군인 중 군인연금을 받지 못하거나 연금 수령액이 적은 장기복무 제대군인에 대해 양극과 해소차원에서 우선적으로 일자리가 마련되도록 맞춤식 직업교육 기회를 부여하고 사회에서 요구하는 능력개발에 가용조직력과 역량을 집중하는 한편, 중기복무자에 대한 직업훈련과 일자리 확보, 의무복무자에 대한 지원방안도 적극 추진해나가야 할 것이다. 범국가적인 지원 시스템과 지원 정책의 마련을 위한 정책을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정부부처 내 관련기관간의 업무를 분담 조정해야한다. 둘째, 범정부적 차원의 제대군인 일자리 창출이 이루어져야한다. 셋째, 전역 예정자에 대한 Pre-Retirement 프로그램 개발과 예산지원이 이루어져야한다. 넷째, 범국가적 차원에서 취업지원이 이루어져야한다. 다섯째, 인턴십 제도의 이용으로 취업의 기회를 확대해야 한다. 여섯째, 취업기관 간 공조체제가 이루어져야한다.
This study conducted research over status of employment and living by collecting questions & answers from retired soldiers after service in ROK Army more than 5 years in last 5 years. As the methodology of this research, the status of employment has been provided from the Citizen Insurance Public Corporation, and conducted interviews for all individuals in addition to the receiving of questions & answers. Also, the statistic data prepared and submitted for Congressional Audit & Inspection from MND was also utilized for the purpose of research. In conclusion, the situation faced with retired soldiers after their retirement is showing the future of reflection of oneself to the personnel in active service who must do their best only for their duty to keep national security. If those personnel in active service are worrying about their future returning to civilian society after retirement, it will not only become an impediment to perform their duty but also bring invisible weakening of military power to defend our nation in result. This is the rationale for the necessity of providing support for social adaptation, reemployment and inauguration of retired soldiers.