임상적 증상이 없는 흉부 단순X선영상 소견에 대한 분석

A Study on Findings from Simple Chest Radiographes without Any Clinical Symptoms

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


특별한 임상적 증상이 없는 대상자 총 1,669명의 단순 흉부방사선영상(simple chest radiography, CXR) 소견을 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성은 총 1,669명 중 남자 55.2%, 여자 44.8%이었다. 2. 흉부 질환이 있는 경우는 총 1,669명 중 14.9%인 249명이었다. 3. 연령에 따른 질환의 분석에서는 35세 미만 6.1%, $35{\sim}39$세 9.7%, $40{\sim}49$세 13.3%, 50세 이상 30.8%로 연령이 많을수록 질병이 많았다. 4. 질환의 발생부위는 폐질환만을 고려할 때 right upper lobe가 가장 많았고, both upper lobe, left upper lobe의 순이었다. 5. 질환의 종류는 유소견자 249명 중 pulmonary nodule를 가지고 있는 경우가 55.0%(총 1,669명의 대상자에서 유소견자 249명 중 137명으로 전체 대상자를 기준으로 할 경우 8.2%)로 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 cardiomegaly 24.5%, CP angle blunting 4.8%, scoliosis 4.6%, tortous aorta 2.8%, bronchial luminal dilatation 2.4%, pleural thickening 2.0% 순으로 나타났고, dextrocardia와 cystic dilation of bronchus, cavitary lesion, lung collapse 등은 각각 0.4%로 매우 적었다. 6. 성별에 따른 질환의 종류는 남자가 여자보다 pulmonary nodule이 많았고, 여자는 남자보다 cardiomegaly와 tortous aorta, scoliosis가 더 많았다. 7. 연령에 따른 질환의 종류는 35세 미만이 다른 연령대보다 scoliosis가 많았고, $40{\sim}49$세는 CP angle blunting, $35{\sim}39$세는 pulmonary nodule, 50세 이상은 cardiomegaly와 tortous aorta가 많았다.

In this study, the analysis on findings from simple chest radiography(CXR) test with total 1,669 subjects without any special clinical symptom came to the following conclusions : 1. In terms of the general characteristics of subjects hereof, male and female group accounted for 55.2% and 44.8% respectively out of all 1,669 people. 2. Pulmonary disease cases amounted to 249 persons(14.9%) out of all subjects. 3. In the analysis on prevalence rate by age distribution, it was noted that the older age led to the more number of diseases, which was demonstrated by age 34 or younger(6.1%), age $35{\sim}39(9.7%)$, age $40{\sim}49(13.3\;%)$, and age 50 or older(30.8%). 4. In regard of pulmonary disease alone, the region of onset was represented primarily by right upper lobe, which was followed by both upper lobe and left upper lobe, respectively. 5. In terms of disease types, it was found that most cases were represented by pulmonary nodule(55.0%), which was followed by cardiomegaly(24.5%), CP angle blunting(4.8%), scoliosis(4.6%), tortuous aorta(2.8%), bronchial luminal dilatation(2.4%), and pleural thickening(2.0%). However, dextrocardia, cystic dilation of bronchus, cavitary lesion, and lung collapse accounted for relatively low rate(0.4% respectively). 6. In terms of disease types by sex, it was found that male group accounted for higher percentage of having pulmonary nodule than female group, while the latter accounted for higher percentage of having cardiomegaly, tortuous aorta and scoliosis than the former. 7. In terms of disease types by age distribution, it was noted that age 34 or younger group accounted for higher percentage of scoliosis than any other age groups, while age $40{\sim}49$ group, age $35{\sim}39$ group, and age 50 or older group represented the case of CP angle blunting, pulmonary nodule, and cardiomegaly/tortuous aorta, respectively.
