한.아세안 FTA의 원산지결정기준과 원산지증명서 작성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Origin decision standard and Certificate of Origin Preparation of Korea.ASEAN FTA

  • 남풍우 (강남대학교 경제통상학부 무역학) ;
  • 최준호 (한국관세사회)
  • 투고 : 2007.04.23
  • 심사 : 2007.06.10
  • 발행 : 2007.06.27


Origin regulation of Korea AESAN FTA prescribe by general standard fulfills alteration standards 40% standard or HS 4 units three times regional deputy inflicts, and define in item different place of origin(PSR) about 447 items as the exception. Also, Korea AESAN FTA except broad principles that decide place of origin in ASEAN FTA accumulation standard, smile standard, place of origin disapproval process standard and directly various repletion standard such as transport principle introduce. But, most export trader are circumstance judging can charge preferential tariff if export trader submits sending certificate of origin in the customs service without deep comprehension about place of origin regulation. Therefore, will have to be knowing well place of origin decision standard and creation trick of certificate of origin to receive exactly preferential tariff benefit. Also, because it can be difficult that all registered customs brokers who is acting for certificate of origin issuance booking get acquainted in place of origin problem, it is expected to can become confrontation plan train FTA and place of origin professional registered customs brokers.
