Studies on the Composition of Water-Friendly Space in Port and Harbour Development

어항 및 항만개발의 친수공간 조성에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2006.05.29
  • Accepted : 2006.11.22
  • Published : 2007.04.30


The composition of water-friendly space in the port and harbour developments provides the accessibility to the sea and thus resting & recreational function of the local citizen, which should be treated importantly for the eco-friendly coastal development. However, the high demand on water-friendly space can induce another environmental problem because most port and harbour developments require marine reclamation and the water-friendly space are made up on the reclamation area. The present study analysed the problems and suggested matters to be considered in composing the water-friendly space of port and harbour developments. The study also established the management direction by site characteristics of port and harbour. In addition, we attempt to find a plan to avoid the water-friendly space composition with environmental damage and to secure the environmental and public soundness in site selection, land use and facilities plan based on case studies.



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