KSG 2010(한국산업규격 학생용 책.걸상) 디자인 가이드라인의 검토

A Review on the KSG2010(Korean Industrial Standard for Student's Desk and Chair) Design Guideline

  • 발행 : 2007.07.30


This paper reviews KSG2010(Korean Industrial Standard for Student's Desk and Chair) compared to student's body size and suggests its new design guideline. It is found that the chairs are too high to sit straight up, and it is not easy to sit at student's ease because of backbone rest bar not existed in a right place. It is also found that the desks are too high to sit at desk to accept student legs under a drawer. So student's visibility range becomes decreased and it produces a harmful posture for eye protection. This paper also found that step number of student's desks and chairs needs to expand to 12 different steps inserted 5 steps between the existing 7 steps. A reason is that there is gap between the sizes of desk and chair and human height and width. Another reasons is that it is difficult to arrange desks and chairs appropriated to student body sizes in a class room.



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