Atmosphere (대기)
- Volume 17 Issue 2
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- Pages.135-145
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- 2007
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- 1598-3560(pISSN)
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- 2288-3266(eISSN)
A Simple Regression Model for Predicting the TC Intensity Change after Landfall over the Korean Peninsula
한반도 상륙 태풍의 강도변화 예측을 위한 단순회귀모형 개발
Choi, Ki-Seon
(Policy Research Lab., National Institute of Meteorological Research) ;
Kim, Baek-Jo
(Policy Research Lab., National Institute of Meteorological Research) ;
- Lee, Ji-Yun (Typhoon and Asian Dust Research Lab., National Institute of Meteorological Research)
- Received : 2007.04.12
- Accepted : 2007.05.19
- Published : 2007.06.30
We developed a simple regression model for predicting the intesity change (central pressure) of major tropical cyclones (TCs) for 24 hours after landfall using 51 TC cases which landed over the Korean Peninsula for 1951-2004. Clusters 1 and 4 with a relatively strong intensity of TC after landfall classified by Choi and Kim (2007) are used to develop a statistical model for the prediction of TC intensity change. Predicting parameters (falling constants) in the regression models