지상운영시험을 통한 ADS-B 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on Benefits of Ground Operational Test using ADS-B in Tae-An Airport

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The ADS-B test is a program that is examining the use of ADS-B, especially CDTI for aircraft surveillance in Korea. The ADS-B project is to provide operational benefits to Air Traffic Controllers in the selected area and provide first operational experience of ADS-B in ATCS environment of South Korea. For these objectives, the ground station has installed in Tae-An airport, Participation in the Ground Test has been limited to 4 Aircraft of Hanseo University which are installed ADS-B equipment. Ground test is a test that is examining on the movement area of Tae-An Airport on the assumption that the visibility is below weather minia of the airport. This test have been experimented as pre-arranged scenarios. In view of the results achieved, it has shown that the volume of voice communication between controller and pilot are remarkably reduced. Additionally, as both pilots and air traffic controllers are able to see the positions of traffic in the vicinity of the aircraft, the test has demonstrated that it is possible for ADS-B not only to decline the controller's workload, but also to enhance pilot situational awareness in the near future.
