Flow Characteristics and Residence Time of Activated Carbon in the Cyclone for Optimized Design of an Adsorption/Catalysis Reactor

흡착/촉매 공정개선을 위한 사이클론 내 유동특성 및 활성탄 체류시간 산정

  • 최청렬 (안양대학교 환경공학과)
  • Published : 2007.05.01


In adsorption/catalytic process, numerical analysis has been performed to identify the flow characteristics of flue gas in the cyclone and to estimate the residence time of activated carbon using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. To consider flue gas and activated carbon particles simultaneously, Euler-Lagrangian model was employed so that residence time could be obtained from the numerical analysis directly. The numerical analysis has been performed with different three particle sizes and compared each flow characteristics with particle’ size. Fundamental flow patterns of flue gas and activated carbon particles, pressure distribution, residence time of flue gas, and activated carbon particles and distribution of activated carbon have been obtained from the numerical analysis.



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Cited by

  1. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Small Cyclone Separator to Remove Fine Particulate Matter vol.37, pp.1, 2013,