A 2-year-old male, 3 kg body weight Japanese Chin was injured in the automobile accident three months ago. The dog became antebrachiocarpal joint instability, and performed pancarpal arthrodesis using 3 K-wires in localanimal hospital. But, the result was failure. Therefore the dog was referred to Chonbuk Animal Medical Center, Chonbuk National University. In physical examination, right carpal joint instability, knuckling sign and pain were evident. In radiography, sclerosis was observed on the 4th carpal bone. Complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry and urinalysis finding were within reference ranges. Pancarpal arthrodesis was re-performed using 7-hole plate. However, mild skin and muscle defects was appeared by skin tension of extremity. We expected that granulation would fill the defect, but inflammation was continued on the lesions for 3 days. So, operation which is filling it was done by using the muscle flap and tubed skin flap. The donor muscles were flexor carpi radialis and superficial digital flexor muscles. After 7 days, the muscle flap was survived, but tubed skin flap was necrosed. After 20 days, the skin defect was substituted with granulation tissues. The flexor carpi radialis muscle and superficial digital flexor muscle transposition can be a useful procedure for reconstructing soft tissue defects in the carpal and metacarpal areas.