Treatment by Injection-Acupuncture with Apitoxin and Apitoxin Combined by Chinese Herbal Medicine in Patients with Canine Bind Limb Paralysis : Case Report

후지마비견(後肢痲痺犬)에 대한 봉독(蜂毒) 약침(藥鍼) 및 봉독(蜂毒) 약침(藥鍼)과 한약제(漢藥劑)의 병용치료(倂用治療) : 증례보고(症例報告)

  • Published : 2007.06.30


The therapy by injection-acupuncture (AP) with bee-venom (apitoxin) and injection-AP with apitoxin combined by administration of Chinese herbal medicine was applied in 2 cases with canine intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Case 1 was diagnosed as thoraco-lumbar IVDD (T11-T12, T12-T13, L3-L4 and L4-L5) and case 2 was diagnosed as IVDD at T10-T11 and T12-T13, respectively Injection-AP with apitoxin($Apitoxinc{(R)}$, total $200{\mu}g$ of apitoxin, 0.1 ml/acupoint) plus physical exercise (walking with gocart, TID/day) and aquatherapy (swimming treatment, BID/week) were given to each patient. The used acupoints were GV20 (Bai Hui), GB30 (Huan Tiao), ST36 (Zu San Li), GB34 (Yang Ling Quan), ST40 (Feng Long), ST41 (Jie Xi) and BL40 (Wei Zhong), the lesions, and trigger points. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine (Koda Pharmaceutical Co., Taiwan) including Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan (正骨紫金丹 : 1 g), Shiuh Duann(續斷 : 0.2 g), Du Zhong(杜仲 : 0.2 g), Mo Yao(沒藥 : 0.2 g), Ru Xian(乳香 : 0.2 g) and Pyrite(自然銅 : 0.2 g) were orallly mdeicated BID for 0\9days in case 2. Walking was possible after session 11 for 4 weeks in case 1 and after session 6 for 2 weeks in case 2, respectively.

개 추간판 디스크 2 증례(症例)를 대상으로 봉독약침 및 봉독약침과 한약제로 각각 치료하였다. 증례(症例) 1은 흉-요추부 추간판탈출증(T11-T12, T12-T13, L3-L4 및 L4-L5)으로 진단(診斷)된 증례이었으며. 증례 2는 흉추부 추간판탈출증(T10-T11 및 T12-T13)으로 진단(診斷)된 증례이었다. 이들 증례에 대하여 봉독약침(0.1 ml/혈위, 총$200{\mu}g$)을 실시(實施)하였으며, 운동요법과 수영요법도 병용하였다. 봉독약침에 사용한 혈위는 GV20-Bai Hui, GB30-Huan Tiao, ST36-Zu San Li, GB34-Yang Ling Quan, ST40-Feng Long, ST41-Jie Xi 및 BL40-Wei Zhong, 병변부 및 압통점이었다. 또한 증례 2에 대하여는 봉독약침과 더불어 Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan(정골자금단(正骨紫金丹) : 1 g), Shiuh Duann(속단(續斷) .0.2 g), Du Zhong(두중(杜仲) : 0.2 g), Mo Yao(몰약(沒藥 : 0.2 g), Ru Xiang(유향(乳香) : 0.2 g) 및 Pyrite(자연동(自然銅) : 0.2 g)를 각각 총 9일간 경구투여(2회/1일)하였다. 증례 1은 총 4주간 11회 치료, 증례(症例) 2는 총 2주간 6회 치료 후 각각 보행이 가능하였다.



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