젖소 번식관리를 위한 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 프로그램 개발

Development of Computerized Software Program for Reproductive Management in Dairy Cows

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


The purpose of this study was to develop a computerized software program to help for reproductive management in dairy cows. The developed software program in the study is compatible with a window 95/98 or XP system. Data in the system were recorded, stored, and processed from two sources: 1) Data downloaded monthly from the database of the Korean Dairy Herd Improvement Association (milk yields, milk somatic cell counts, milk fat, protein, lactose and urea nitrogen content). 2) Data recorded by the farmer or veterinarians by the time (body condition score, heats, inseminations, veterinary diagnosis and treatments). These data indices after processing by computerized dairy management system were presented by numerical or graphical display. The presented data were obtained from three dairy farms with more than 50 milking cows. The presented reports of this program using milk fat, protein, urea nitrogen, and somatic cell counts enabled the dairy producer and veterinarians to monitor the protein-energy balance and feeding management practice, and for distribution of diseases (mastitis, metabolic and reproductive disorder) in individual cows. The presented analytical reports of this program also included herd average of reproductive indices such as day to first insemination, days open, and inseminations per conception. This software program will assist in analysis, interpretation and demonstrate the results of reproductive trials conducted in dairy herds.



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