초종과 파종비율을 달리한 혼파초지의 건물수량과 품질 비교 연구

A Comparative Study of Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of Mixtures on the Different Grass Species and Seeding Rates

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


본 연구는 초종과 파종비율을 달리한 혼파초지를 비교 검토하여 건물수량과 품질을 높일 수 있는 혼파방법을 찾고자 관행 혼파초지{conventional mixtures(CM), orchardgrass (Potomad) 50% + tall fescue (Fawn)20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 20% + white clover(Regal) 10%}, 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지{Red clover mixtures(RM), orchardgrass (Potomac) 40 + tall fescue 20%(Fawn) + Kentucky bluegrass (Kenblue) 10% + red clover(Kenland) 30%} 및 잔디형 초종 + 혼파초지{Turf type grass mixtures(TM), orchardgrass Potomac) 50% + turf type grass(tall fescue, Millenium 20% + Kentucky bluegrass, Midnight 10% + perennial ryegrass, Palmer III 10%) + white clover, Regal 10%)의 3처리를 두어 시험하였다. 시험은 난괴법 4반복으로 충남대학교 농과대학 초지시험포장에서 2003년 9월부터 2005년 12월까지 수행하였으며, 시험결과는 다음과 같다. 2년 평균 건물수량은 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지가 11,656kg/ha으로 관행 혼파초지(11,245kg/ha)나 잔디형 초종 + 혼파초지(9,897kg/ha)에 비하여 높은 결과를 가져왔다(p<0.05). CP 함량은 연도와 혼파초지의 유형에 관계없이 레드 클로버 + 혼파 초지가 관행 혼파초지나 잔디형 초종 + 혼파초지에 비하여 높은 결과를 보였다(p<0.05). NDF, ADF, cellulose 및 lignin과 같은 섬유소물질의 함량은 조사연도와 혼파초지의 유형에 따라 대체적으로 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지에 비하여 낮은 결과를 보였다(p<0.05). 2년 평균 CPDM 수량은 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지가 2,832kg으로 관행 혼파초지(2,372kg)나 잔디형 초종 + 혼파초지(2,266kg)에 비하여 높은 결과를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 2년 평균 DDM 수량은 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지가 8,881kg으로 관행 혼파초지(8,255kg)나 잔디형 초종 + 혼파초지(7,314kg)에 비하여 높은 결과를 얻었다(p<0.05). 2005년 5회 예취시의 식생비율은 관행 혼파초지는 orchardgrass는 45%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 5% 및 white clover 24%이었으며, 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지는 orchardgrass 40%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 4% 및 red clover 31%이었고, 잔디형 초종 + 혼파 초지는 orchardgrass 37%, 잔디형 초종 37%(tall fescue 23%, Kentucky bluegrass 6%, perennial ryegrass 8%) 및 white clover 23%를 유지하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합할 때, 초종과 파종비율에 따른 혼파초지의 건물수량과 사료가치의 차이를 확인할 수 있었으며, 레드 클로버 + 혼파 초지가 건물수량과 사료가치를 높이는데 효과적이었다.

The object of this experiment was to investigate the effect of mixture which consist of different seeding rates and species on dry matter yield and quality in Daejon area. The field trials were conducted from 2003 to 2005 at Chungnam National University in order to evaluate the dry matter yield and quality of different mixture. The experimental design includes three mixture types: Conventional mixtures, CM{orchardgrass(Potomac) 50% + tall fescue (Fawn)20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 20% + white clover(Regal) 10%}, red clover + mixtures, RM{orchardgrass(Potomac) 40% + tall fescue(Fawn) 20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 10% + red clover(Kenland) 30%) and Turf type grass + mixtures, TM {orchardgrass (Potomac) 50% + turf type grass (tall fescue, Millennium 20% + Kentucky bluegrass, Midnight 10% + perennial ryegrass, Palmer III 10%) + white clover(Regal) 10%}. The average DM yield for 2 years of red clover+mixture(11,656kg/ha) was higher than those of the other mixtures(p<0.05). The content of crude protein and dry manu digestibility were higher in red clover+mixture than in other mixtures(p<0.05). but, the content of fibrous compounds like as NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin were lower in red clover+mixture than in other mixtures(p<0.05). The crude protein dry matter(CPDM) yield was higher in red clover + mixture(2,832kg/ha) than in conventional mixture(2,372kg/ha) and turf type + mixture(2,266kg/ha)(p<0.05). The digestible dry matter (DDM) yield was higher in red clover + mixture(8,881 kg/ha) than in conventional mixture(8,255kg/ha) and turf type + mixture(7,314kg/ha)(p<0.05). In botanical composition at last cutting time in 2005, conventional mixture were maintained orchardgrass 45%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 5% and white clover 24%. Red clover + mixture were maintained orchardgrass 40%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 4% and red clover 31%. turf type + mixture were orchardgrass 37%, tall fescue 23%, Kentucky bluegrass 6%, perennial ryegrass 8% and white clover 24%, respectively. As summary, DM yields and quality of mixture species and seeding rates were observed significant difference. The results of this experiment indicated that red clover + mixture was more effective in enhancing the DM yield and forage quality in Daejon area.



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