Improving the Quality of Filtered Lidar Data by Local Operations

  • Seo, Su-Young (GeoResources Institute, Mississippi State University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Introduction of lidar technology have contributed to a wide range of applications in generating quality surface models. Accordingly, because of the importance of terrain surface models in mapping applications, rigorous studies have been performed to extract ground points from a lidar data point cloud. Although most filters have been shown abilities to extract ground points with their parameters tuned, however, most experiments revealed that there are certain limitations in optimizing filter parameters and the correction of remaining misclassified points is not straightforward. In this study, therefore, a method to improve the quality of filtered lidar data is proposed, which exploits neighboring surface properties arising between immediate neighbors. The method comprises a sequence of procedures which can reduce commission and omission errors. Commission errors occurring in low-rise objects are reduced by utilizing morphological operations. On the other hand, omission errors are reduced by adding missing ground points around step edges. Experimental results show that the qualities of filtered data can be improved considerably by the proposed method.



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