슬괵근 길이가 정적 기립균형 능력에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Hamstring Length on the Static Stance Balance Ability

  • Nam, Kun-Woo (Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Choonhae College) ;
  • Park, Dae-Sung (Dept. of Emergency Medical Technology, Choonhae College)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


The purpose of this study was effect of hamstring length on one leg stance test(OLST) in 108 persons. (men 28, women 80). The active knee extension test(AKE) was applied 3 times on both leg and high score was selected. Then, one leg stance test(OLST) was applied 3 times on both leg and high score was selected. Also, persons divided two group that is normal hamstring length group and shortening group). The result were as follows : 1. The correlation analysis between Lt. hamstring length and one leg stance time was no significant relation($p_{Lt.}=0.271$, $p_{Rt.}=0.051$). 2. The correlation analysis between Rt. hamstring length and one leg stance time was no significant relation($p_{Lt.}=0.837$, $p_{Rt.}=0.334$). 3. The independent T -test between Lt. hamstring normal (knee extension > 150degrees) & shortening group (knee extension ${\leq}$ 150 degrees) in Lt. leg stance time was no significant difference(p=0.73), but in Rt. leg stance time was statistically significant difference(p=0.04). 4. The independent T-test between Rt. hamstring normal (knee extension > 150degrees) & shortening group (knee extension ${\leq}$ 150 degrees) in one leg stance time was no significant difference($p_{Lt.}=0.09$, $p_{Rt.}=0.16$).
