저출산에 의한 학생수 감소에 따른 여유교실 활용방안 모색

A Study on the Effective Utilization of Extra Classrooms of a School

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Our society is changing into the society of knowledge and information since the advent of 21st century. This may require that schooling need to have a new paradigm. Korea has already entered into the aging society with the help of various population control policies such as birth control from 1960s, and is expecting to go into the so called ultra- aging society. Elementary and middle schools have been facing the rapid decrease in the number of students since the mid-1980s, which high schools are now confronting with. The present study investigates how to effectively utilize extra classrooms at schools. The present study offers eight basic directions that may help establish the utilization planning of extra classrooms. One direction is offering an appropriate space utilization environment, another is to present a plan for having special classrooms. Others are having multi-purpose classrooms, management on the unified rooms for library and audio-visual teaching, securing facilities rooms for the school staff. And others are the planning of the diversion of living space for improving sanitation and the provision of meals, the necessity of the extension or rebuilding of school buildings for other uses according to school development schemes, the utilization planning for community residents to which each school belong.
