서비스 조직에서의 프로세스품질에 대한 이해와 6시그마 모형개발 : 구조방정식 모형분석 이용

The Model Development of 6 Sigma and Understanding of Process Quality in the Service Industry : Using the Structural Equation Modeling

  • Kim, Gye-Soo (Department of Business Administration, Semyung University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Six Sigma advocates rigorous application of quality management tool. Using Six Sigma program provides a mechanism for service organization to achieve organization's goal and customer satisfaction. A model on Six sigma in service organization was developed and applied for the service organization. Questionnaire was developed, and data was collected and analyzed for this study. Conclusively, 6 sigma leadership is the important drivers to process management and customer relationship management. Process management and customer relationship management are significantly related to the job performance and customer satisfaction.



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