범용 열/유체 유동해석 프로그램 NUFLEX의 개발


  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


A general purpose program NUFLEX for the analysis 3-D thermo/fluid flow and pre/post processor in complex geometry has been developed, which consists of a flow solver based on FVM and GUI based pre/post processor. The solver employs a general non-orthogonal grid system with structured grid and solves laminar and turbulent flows with standard/RNG $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence model. In addition, NUFLEX is incorporated with various physical models, such as interfacial tracking, cavitation, MHD, melting/solidification and spray models. For the purpose of evaluation of the program and testing the applicability, many actual problems are solved and compared with the available data. Comparison of the results with that by STAR-CD or FLUENT program has been also made for the same flow configuration and grid structure to test the validity of NUFLEX.



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