슬래브궤도 노반침하구간 차량/궤도 상호작용 해석기법 개발

A Method for the Analysis of Train/Slab-Track Interaction on Settled Roadbed

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


A numerical method for the analysis of train/slab-track interaction on the settled roadbed is developed based on the already developed analysis method of train/ballast-track interaction. The concrete slabs composed of the upper track concrete layer and the lower hydraulic bonded layer are modelled by a equivalent beam. The supporting stiffness of roadbed is evaluated with the modified boussinesq method suggested by Eisenmann. The track irregularity and the gap between slab and roadbed induced by settlement of roadbed are calculated by the effective method newly presented in this study. The validation of the developed method is investigated by a numerical example. The effects of train speed on train and slab track on the settled roadbed with sinusoidal shape of wave length 20m and amplitude 20mm are reviewed.



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