성남시 무료 노인 급식에서 제공되는 고구마줄기무침의 미생물학적 위해 분석

Microbiological Hazard Analysis for Seasoned Sweet Potato Stems in a Free Meal service Operation for the Elderly in Sungnam

  • 박지현 (용인대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김혜영 (용인대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Park, Ji-Hyun (Department of Food and Nutrition, Yongin University) ;
  • Kim, Hae-Young (Department of Food and Nutrition, Yongin University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


In this study, we investigated the application of HACCP for a prepared side dish of sweet potato stems, within a free meal service system for the elderly in the Sungnam area. Total bacterial counts (TBC) and levels of coliforms and Esherichia coli (E.coli) were analyzed through an eight step cooking process. The TBCs of the raw samples ranged between 3.30 and 1.37${\times}10^4$ CFU/g per 100 cm$^2$ The trimmed, blanched, and drained sweet potato stems showed a mean TBC value of 1.37${\times}10^4$ CFU/g, and the level of coliforms was 1.48${\times}10^3$ CFU/g. Among the eight samples, however, after stir-frying and serving, the TBC decreased to a standard satisfactory level, and a coliforms and E. coli were not found. A five step process was used and samples were taken to check the microbial quality of the cook and cooking equipment. Here we tested for TBC, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Salmonella. Specifically, the TBC and number of coliforms were examined on the cook's hand's, cutting board, and knife, as they represented hazards for cross-contamination. The three inspection steps of preparation of the trimmed, rinsed, blanched, and drained sweet potato stems, cook's' hands, cutting board and knife were all considered CCPs, and a manual of cooking process management was established to improve the risk factors in this study. In conclusion, this study reinforces that microbiological analysis is as a valuable tool for checking what points and stages of the cooking process must be controlled.



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