Paresthesia as the Prodrome of Stroke in Korean Women

일부 한국인 여성에서 뇌졸중 선행인자(先行因子)로서의 마목(麻木)

  • Bu, Song-Ah (Gangdong-gu Public Healthcare Center) ;
  • Sun, Seung-Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Hospital of Sangji University) ;
  • Ko, Seong-Gyu (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine & Center for Clinical Research and Genomics, Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University)
  • 부송아 (강동구 보건소) ;
  • 선승호 (상지대학교부속한방병원 내과학교실) ;
  • 고성규 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실 & 경희대학교 한의학임상연구및유전체센터)
  • Published : 2007.02.25


Although Traditional Korean Medicine had always referred to Mamok(痲木: Paresthesia) as the prodrome of stroke for a long time, yet there were only few research papers on it. Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between Mamok(痲木; Paresthesia) as the prodrome and an attack of stroke. Setting 509 Korean impatient women as the subject of research, 264 of the whole are stroke patients and 245 are non-stroke patients. Blood tests, questionnaires, and body measurements (height, weight, waist, hip) are performed to the subjects. Basic population traits, life-style, and past history are included in the contents of questionnaires. whether or not they have experience the numbness, description about the clinical characteristics of the symptom, the body parts which the symptom occurred, the onset of the symptom, and the incidences are examined in the category inquiring the numbness of the hand and foot. After adjusting for age, unilateral numbness was associated with significantly increased risk of stroke. When adjusted for other factors(Half of WHR, History of Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus, Cigarette smoking, Alcohol drinking, Education, Marital status, Regular exercise), the risk of stroke was positively associated with unilateral numbness.(Age Adjusted Odds Ratios=2.282(95%CI=1.107-4.705), Multivariate Odds Ratios=4.105(95% CI=1.233-13.671)) Whereas no significant association was observed in the onset and the incidence of unilateral numbness. This study suggest that preceding Mamok(痲木; paresthesia) before stroke attack is may be common prodrome symptoms of stroke. Prospective cohort study on the association between Mamok(痲木;Paresthesia) as the prodrome and an attack of stroke in Korean population will be necessary.



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