Adjacent Interference Analysis between M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD and WCDMA FDD System in the 2.6 GHz Band Part II : Adjacent Interference Analysis with Smart Antenna in M-WiMAX System

2.6 GHz 대역에서 M-WiMAX OFDMA/TDD 시스템과 WCDMA FDD 시스템간의 상호 간섭 분석 Part II : Adjacent Interference Analysis with Smart Antenna in M-WiMAX System

  • 왕우붕 (인하대학교 정보통신대학원 이동통신연구실) ;
  • 고상준 (인하대학교 정보통신대학원 이동통신연구실) ;
  • 장경희 (인하대학교 정보통신대학원 이동통신연구실)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


This paper presents the coexistence issues between M-WiMAX TDD and WCDMA FDD systems. To improve the M-WiMAX system performance and to reduce the adjacent channel interference to WCDMA FDD system, transmit and receive beamforming techniques are applied in the base stations of M-WiMAX system. Furthermore, we propose an adjacent channel interference modeling methodology, which captures the effect of transmit beamforming on the adjacent channel interference. Besides, we verify the performance improvement in the uplink of WCDMA system due to the transmit beamforming in M-WiMAX downlink based on the proposed adjacent channel interference modeling methodology. We also verify the performance enhancement due to the receive beamforming in the uplink of M-WiMAX system through system level Monte Carlo simulations, considering random user position, the effect of shadowing and multi-path fading channel. Discussions on the gain of applying transmit and receive beamforming in M-WiMAX system comparing the case of SISO system are also included. Furthermore, we present the performance of cosited M-WiMAX and WCDMA systems, considering commercial deployment, additional channel filter at base stations and the effects of TxBF and RxBF.



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