조선시대 어휘집을 중심으로 본 복식명칭의 동의 관계 분석

A Study on the Synonyms of Clothing terms in the Vocabulary Books of the Joseon Period

  • Kim, Eun-Jung (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Kang, Soon-Che (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Catholic University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.29


The study aimed to classify the synonyms of clothing terms, such as equal relationship, connoting relationship and partial relationship. The subjects of the study are eleven Chinese character study books such as <石峰千字文 Seokbongcheonjamun> <丙子本千字文 Byeongjacheonjamun>, <註解千字文 Juhaecheonjamun>, <訓蒙字會 Hungmongjahoi>, <新增類合 Sinjeungyuhap>, <兒學編 Aahakpyeon(1816) (1908)>, <蒙喩編 Mongyupyeon>, <字類註釋 Jalyujuseok>, <正蒙類語 Joengmongyueo> and <通學徑編 Tonghakgyeongpyeon>, seven foreign language study books such as <譯語類解 Yeokeoyuhae>, <譯語類解補編 Yeokeoyuhae-supplementary book>, <同文類解 Dongnunyuhae>, <蒙語類解 Mongeoyuhae>, <蒙語類解補編 Mongeoyuhae-supplementary book>, <倭語類解 Oaeeoyuhae> and <方言類釋 Bangeonyuseok>, and some vocabulary books <才物譜 Jaemulbo>, <廣才物譜 Kwangjaemulbo>, <物譜 Mulbo>, <物名攷 Mulmyeongko>, and <事類博解 Salyupakhae>. There are two kinds of synonyms with equal relationship that are spelled as more than two names for the same clothing. The first group was names that have different vocabularies for the same Chinese character headword, for example, Gyeokji and Namosin, Jeoguriot and Dongdolssi, Deungjige and Got dongot, Daloi and Nangja, Jitbidan and Oaedan, jusa and jeuusya, jusa and Murui, Muja and Heoja, and so on. The second group was names that are spelled with sound and meaning of Chinese character, for example, Nuyeok and Saui, Binhyeo and Jam, Mosi and Jyeopo, and so on. Also synonyms of Chinese names were found in equal relationship. Synonyms with connoting relationship in which one name perfectly connotes meaning of another name are Gotgal and Susik, Danryeong and Gwandae, Bosyeon and Chyeong, ete. In these cases, the range of the meaning of clothing terms can be confirmed since names with broad meaning connote names with narrow meaning. There are differences in use and form. In partial relationship synonym with the same name, some synonyms like Baji and Goui, and jeoksam and Hansam have difference in use, while Gamto, Got and Sarno, Neolku and Satgat, and Nangja and Cheopji have difference in form. These presented differences among similar names.



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