Read Rate Analysis of RFID Gen 2 Tag in Frozen Seafood Traceability Systems

냉동수산물 이력제 식별수단으로써의 RFID Gen 2 태그의 인식률 분석

  • 김진백 (동명대학교 유통경영학과) ;
  • 이동호 (경상대학교 수산경영학과)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


Implementing the automatic identification in supply chain management is essential for effective and efficient process control. Though the GTIN based bar code system is generally used as an automatic identification method in most industries, it can not identify individual item, and is not appropriated for products' reliability and safety management. So the RFID system with EPC is considered as a better solution for resolving those problems. This study reviewed automatic identification code systems and the attributes and characteristics of RFID Gen 2 which became a global standard recently for supply chain management. Particularly, this study analyzed RFID Gen 2 systems' read rates on various conditions including distances between tags and readers and between antennas, condensation, and several packing materials in practical supply chain environment. The results of this study showed that the RFID Gen 2 had high read ratio in practical application and would be adopted as a new automatic identification means for traceability systems.
