양식업 배합사료 직접지불제의 적정 지원수준 결정에 관한 연구 : 직접지불제의 생산 및 소득효과 분석을 중심으로

A Study on the Determination of Optimum Level of Payments in the Direct Payment Program for Aquaculture Extruded Pellets

  • 김도훈 (국립수산과학원 연구기획본부) ;
  • 오태기 (목포지방해양수산청 완도해양수산사무소)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


This study is aimed at investigating optimum level of payments in the direct payment program for aquaculture extruded pellets both theoretically and practically by analyzing the effects on production and income in accordance with Green Box conditions of WTO Agreement on Agriculture. In particular, by analyzing both effects on production and income, it evaluates and compares payments affecting to the level of production and income, respectively. Analysis results indicate that the optimum level of payments in the direct payment program for aquaculture extruded pellets is determined by the growth rate of farmed fish, farming period, price and volume of extruded pellets, and additional amount of cost increase and decrease. Suppose that growth rates of farmed fish by extruded pellets(EP) and raw fish - based moist pellets(MP) are the same, it reveals the optimum level of payment should be lowered from the current level of payment. However, when the growth rate of farmed fish by EP is lower than that by MP, the optimum level of payment should be raised from the current level and total amount of payments by area should be increased as well.
